Wednesday, February 18

New Futurama movie is the best of the bunch. Was considering doing a writeup of it, though it's a bit of a grey area - technically, it falls into the 'feature-length episode' category, though really it's a full-length movie conveniently chopped up into four parts. Bit of a grey area, so I decided to err on the side of caution. If I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do it right, damnit, my conviction is strong! Blame the case for the Prosecution on that one. Still, it's a major improvement over The Beast With A Billion Backs, which had no clue what it wanted to be, and Bender's Game, which was okay, but meh. Into The Wild Green Yonder is probably the closest to the classic Futurama feel thus far and, more importantly, has the most coherent storyline out of the bunch. Ending's a bit rushed, but, come on, it has Snoop Dogg as a judge. That's worth the price of admission alone!

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