Tuesday, April 7

Give it it's due, Fangirl Fanservice: Crisis Core is a pretty good game (though I think I preferred it more when it was called Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories). I'd just like it more if it didn't feel like a big ol' fanfic given a budget.

Come on, the game even has an Original Character Do Not Steal in the form of Genesis, who's consistantly shown to be stronger and better than God of the Fanboys, Sephiroth Himself! And if the bonus video in Dirge of Cerberus is anything to go bythey're making a big push for him to be a major threat the future.

Still can't take the idea of Shinra being a glorified electricity company seriously though. I mean, a mega-corporation with its own private army? Anyone who's ever read any cyberpunk (or is familiar with Shadowrun) can understand that in a heartbeat. But the idea of Scottish Gas experimenting on soldiers in its private army, a group that happens to be better funded and equipped than anything the government can muster? Yeah, unless this is Tank Girl (well, the movie version at least), I'm not buying it, sorry.

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